Student Solution


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Module 7 In-Class Assignment

Module 7 In-Class Assignment

Q For today's assignment, you will work in small groups to complete the following case study You are caring for a 37 year old man with a brain tumor who is receiving chemotherapy and radiation treatment and was admitted to the hospital for malnutrition, weight loss and electrolyte imbalance. Per provider order, you insert a nasogastric (NG) tube and started a standard tube feeding formula to start at 30mL/hr. Your book pages 1310-1314 ("Administration of Enteral Feeding" and "Nursing Considerations for Enteral Feeding") and the section with Skills 36-2 (starting on Pages 1324) will help you with this exercise Group 1: What are the important safety issues you must consider prior to starting a tube feeding? Groups 2 and 3: What kind of complications would you predict may occur? Why are these potential complications? (Do not focus on management of the complications but rather focus on what the potential complication is and WHY it is a potential complication) Groups 4 and 5: How would you manage those potential complications? (focus on what you will do to prevent the complication from occurring) Groups 6 and 7: What type of comfort measures can you provide the client with an NG tube? WHY is it important to do these measures? HOW can these measures provide comfort? Group 8 and 9: What is the difference in your nursing care if the physician changes the enteral feeding orders to bolus feedings rather than continuous feedings? Upload document to this submission tab (one per group) PreviousNext

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You are caring for a 37 year old man with a brain tumor who is receiving chemotherapy and radiation treatment and was admitted to the hospital for malnutrition, weight loss and electrolyte imbalance. Per provider order, you insert a nasogastric (NG) tube and started a standard tube feeding formula to start at 30mL/hr. Your book pages 1310-1314 ("Administration of Enteral Feeding" and "Nursing Considerations for Enteral Feeding") and the section with Skills 36-2 (starting on Pages 1324) will help you with this exercise. Groups 4 and 5: How would you manage those potential complications? (focus on what you will do to prevent the complication from occurring) Clogged tube – flush tube before and after feeding and every 4 hours instill 30ml of warm water with 50-60ml syringe